What is ahead is unknown, but I'm excited that I have taken this path toward new adventures in my life.
Thank you to my CAPS family for always being there to support me and for putting up with my tired rantings and my absence of sending resources out on a regular basis. It will be nice, when this is complete, to be able to relax, research, teach, and regain some normalcy in my daily life.
Thanks to my close friends who understand why I don't call or come over and who realize my absences from gatherings are only temporary.
Thanks to my immediate family...my own kids who had to see their mom crouched over a book any time there was an extra minute to spare and to my parents for always giving me the unconditional support that has a way of lighting an internal fire, creating a drive to always strive to do better things.
Thanks for all of the well wishes! I will do my best to follow through and make you proud!